Patient engagement

Reducing the site and patient burden through excellence in trial logistics
Watch for an insightful webinar where we’ll explore the latest strategies and innovations for managing clinical trial operations with a focus on device provisioning and data workflows.

Use case: How a top-10 pharma digitized and standardized participant pain body maps
A top-10 pharmaceutical company was looking to standardize the conduct of their diabetic polyneuropathy trials for future use.
Specifically, the client was looking to digitize their paper “body map” forms. These are used by participants to indicate the severity of pain on their bodies.
Traditionally administered on paper, body map assessments had been a source of potential inefficiencies and errors.
The client’s goal was to co-create and own their body maps, while simplifying and streamlining the process for future trials.

Keeping up with ClinOps: Why and how to improve delivery
Medable is joined by Join GSK and Lightship for a panel discussion on how a trial platform as a service can enhance, expedite, and improve the day-to-day operations of clinical operations across the life cycle of a study.

Unlocking Patient Engagement: Enhancing the Clinical Trial Experience with Consumerization
In this panel discussion, industry experts from Uber Health, iXlayer, and Medable will discuss the rise in technology adoption has also raised the expectations of trial participants, who now seek simpler, more consumer-like experiences in clinical design.

Where does patient recruitment end and patient engagement begin?
It’s widely understood that patient recruitment is one of the most critical and yet most challenging aspects to a successful clinical trial. In fact, many trials fail to reach recruitment goals, with far-ranging implications for investigators, sponsors, study participants, and the population affected by the disease or condition under study.