JPM 2024 AI panel
Blog posts

Experts discuss AI’s future in pharma

In June of 2022, Open AI forever changed the world’s technological landscape with the release of ChatGPT 3.5. The explosion and proliferation of AI tools have become a focal point of interest and curiosity in almost every industry, with commentators in pharma wondering how AI can improve clinical research.

In January 2024, panelists from Syneos, Obvious Ventures, Sapphire Ventures, IDEA Pharma, and GSR Ventures joined Medable’s CEO, Dr. Michelle Longmire, to discuss the purpose, potential, and power this transformative technology offers. 

Here’s what they had to say.


How AI and ML can transform clinical trial conduct

There’s little doubt that 2023 will be remembered as the breakout year for generative artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning (ML) within both tech and pharma. Much like the surge in digital and decentralized trials in 2020, AI and ML have sparked a paradigm shift in what is possible in the development of drugs and treatments. 

With the FDA’s recent publications providing a future framework, sponsors and CROs everywhere are researching how best to bolster drug development. With all these advancements happening at an unprecedented pace, we’re providing an overview of the uses of AI and ML in clinical conduct below.

See how Medable can make your trials more efficient.