
What is SaaS, and how are life science companies using it today?

In today's digital age, Software as a Service (SaaS) has emerged as a cornerstone of cloud computing, transforming how businesses and individuals access and utilize software applications. 

This cloud-based software deployment model has become increasingly popular due to its accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and scalability. Now, SaaS is making significant inroads in the pharmaceutical and life sciences industries, offering solutions to longstanding challenges and driving innovation.

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Evidence generation evolved

The pharmaceutical industry faces a daunting challenge: it takes an average of 12 years and $3 billion to bring a new drug to patients, with the FDA approving an average of 50 new therapies yearly. 

This pace is inadequate to address humanity's needs and our own future goal of helping the industry produce ten times the number of treatments it does today. 

A significant bottleneck is the lengthy clinical trial process, where Phase 3 studies alone can span three years or more. However, a critical factor compounding these timelines is the difficulty in recruiting sufficient patients for these crucial studies, often adding up to 2 years to the already protracted journey. 

Woman submits clinical trial data
White Papers, Case Studies, Reports

Quality by Design: Better data using participant insights

6 min

Quality is not an afterthought within clinical trials. Instead, it is a required and integral part of the entire process beginning at the start of protocol design. While clinical trials will always encounter challenges in driving quality experiences and data, there exists one approach that’s backed by regulatory agencies and proven to lead to better outcomes.

This is a “quality by design” strategy that’s informed and driven by all stakeholders, including those most affected by your trial’s protocols - your participants, and sites.

eCOA 101
Blog posts

You asked we answered: How do eCOAs improve data compliance?

6 min

We at Medable are often asked in webinars, requests for proposals (RFPs), tradeshows, etc. just how exactly eCOAs and ePROs foster better patient compliance with submitting data. 

Since you asked, our answer is below, courtesy of Jessica Dolfi, VP of Solution Consulting. 


DCT Digital Week: Creating the Digital Foundation for Scale in Clinical Development

Learn how sponsors and CROs can improve their clinical trial conduct by developing new strategies that create sustainable, repeatable, and effective clinical conduct.


Back to Basics: What is a decentralized clinical trial?

In a decentralized clinical trial, part or all of the protocol occurs away from the primary study site. Instead of patients traveling, often repeatedly, to a central site for enrollment, consent, data collection or symptom monitoring, they can participate in telehealth visits from their homes, often using familiar technologies, like smartphones, tablets and wearables to transmit pertinent information. Even medications and devices can increasingly be delivered directly to a patient’s home, and a home visit from a health care professional can be arranged if necessary. 


Back to basics: What are electronic clinical outcome assessments (COAs/eCOAs)?

6 min

COAs (called eCOAs when captured electronically) are essential to understanding whether a drug is reducing symptoms, improving patients’ quality of life, and improving patients’ ability to perform activities they care about. COAs enable a well-rounded understanding of how a drug is working, its side effects, its impact on patients’ lives, and more. Perhaps most notably, PROs/ePROs allow for the patient’s voice to be heard. Capturing the patient’s voice is particularly important because the clinician may not always see or express the patient’s experience in the same way.

Blog posts

Quality by design: How eCOA improves oversight and participant data quality

6 min

eCOA has the power to ease clinical research for all stakeholders. When developing and refining our eCOA offering, we consulted with our own Participant & Caregiver Network (PCN) to provide feedback on design. This allowed us to build our eCOA and the wider platform it fits within in a way that fosters better oversight, and better clinical trial data.

Blog posts

Why the future looks bright for eCOA in clinical trials

6 min

See why the electronic clinical outcome (eCOA) market is poised to continue its rapid growth and why Medable customers have chosen eCOA as a future foundation for their next era of clinical conduct.

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Connecting in new ways: Our partnership with Withings Health Solutions

6 min

In June, Medable announced a partnership with Withings Health Solutions with the goal of reducing the burden on sponsors and sites while empowering patients to participate in trials from home.

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What does the new European Medicine Regulatory Network recommendation paper on decentralized elements in clinical trials tell us?

Learn what impacts the new European Medicine Regulatory Network recommendations paper means to your clinical trial operations.

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New EU Regulatory Recommendations for Decentralized Trials Keep Focus on Patients and Sites

As clinical trials rapidly modernize, government regulators work to evolve even as the same core principles apply. Still, decentralized clinical trials are – simply – clinical trials, as all research today is decentralized in some way, yet we lack global harmonization of regulations.

See how Medable can make your trials more efficient.